
Advanced notice of restoration and clearance work on Yarningale Common

Work will shortly commence on major clearance of an area of scrubland and woodland on Yarningale Common.

What is happening?

The work will be carried out in conjunction with the Warwickshire County ecologist and in line with the latest Biodiversity Management Plan.

The work will address decades of neglect. It will initially appear severe, but as with previous clearance work on Ossetts Hole Lane, we are hoping that the benefits will become clearly visible over time.

It will involve removal of some of the huge build up of dead trees, brambles and debris that has accumulated over many years with the aim to reduce risks to the public and road users.

Mature healthy trees will be retained, but a lot of the smaller and diseased trees will be removed opening up the canopy to allow sunlight to penetrate the woodland floor.

In line with the Biodiversity Management Plan, a lot of the deadwood will be retained on the Common to create wildlife habitat.

Why are we doing it?

The work aims to promote suitable conditions for a wider range of native species to thrive and possibly encourage regeneration of species such as gorse and heathers that used to grow prolifically on the Common. It will also reduce and limit the dominance of invasive and non-native species such as laurel and holly.

The overall goal for this work is to continue the regeneration of this beautiful and unique Common for future generations.

Who will be doing the work and when?

The work will be undertaken by specialist contractors during February, ahead of the bird nesting season and subject to weather conditions. Exact dates for the work to be undertaken will be confirmed in due course.

The contractor will be adopting full health and safety measures, which may result in some disruption along Yarningale Lane and temporary closure of some of the nearby paths. Advance notice will be given of any planned disruption/closures to residents impacted by the works.

How can I find out more?

Please refer to noticeboards and the Claverdon Parish Council website for further announcements and the full ecology report (Biodiversity Management Plan).

General Information

The work being undertaken on the Common is very similar to the project led by Sandi Toksvig on the Channel 4 TV programme – ‘Great-British-Woodland-Restoration’ which is currently available to watch on Channel4.
