South Warwickshire Local Plan
There is an obligation on each Local Planning Authority to prepare and keep up-to-date a Local Plan for their area. South Warwickshire Local Plan covers the period from 2021 to 2050 and will supersede Stratford District Council Core Strategy and Warwick District Local Plan.
A Development Plan aims to addresses the main development challenges, delivers sustainable development and ensures that the development needs of the area are met. The South Warwickshire Local Plan sets out a long-term spatial strategy for housing, jobs, infrastructure and climate change for both Stratford and Warwick Districts.
Click on the links below to download the various documents
South Warwickshire Local Plan Update (May 2024)
South Warwickshire Local Plan – Claverdon’s Respsonse
South Warwickshire Local Plan 2021
South Warwickshire Local Plan – Preferred Options Consultation
Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils are working together to produce a new South Warwickshire Local Plan to cover our combined geographic area.
Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils have undertaken an Issues and Options Consultation and Call for Sites and are now at the Preferred Options stage. The Preferred Options consultation will provide a third opportunity for residents and stakeholders to have their say on the emerging Local Plan, following feedback from the previous Scoping (2021) and Issues and Options (2023) consultations. Specifically, feedback is sought on the proposed draft policies and policy directions as well the emerging spatial growth strategy. It is informed by a wide range of evidence that is available to view on the technical evidence page of the SWLP website.
The Call for Sites page on this website has also been updated to provide information and guidance following the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) for sites submitted during the first and second Call for Sites exercises.
Further information on the Preferred Options stage can be found by following the link below
South Warwickshire Local Plan – Preferred Options Consultation