What We Do

What We Do

What We Do

Parish Council

A parish council is the first tier of local government, representing the interests of the parish and its community and managing certain local services and amenities.

Basis in Statute

It’s a corporate body with a legal right to own property, enter into contracts, and employ staff. Its basis in statute derives from two Local Government Acts of 1894 and 1972, which formally provide its legal framework. The Localism Act 2011 extends its powers and responsibilities conditionally with The General Power of Competence.

Relevant Parish Council Responsibilities

Parish councils:

  • serve as the voice of the local community.
  • raise precept.
  • manage budgets,
  • create Neighbourhood Development Plans.
  • undertake Community Right to Build Orders.
  • maintain community spaces and manage amenities, oversee the maintenance of footpaths, bridleways.
  • comment on planning applications
  • support renewable energy projects, tree-planting schemes, or promoting energy efficiency in local buildings.
  • liaise with local police forces on matters to do with safer communities.

Two of its Statutory Duties

Claverdon parish councils has a range of statutory duties (obligations in law)

  1. it must hold an annual meeting every year. Additionally, it must also hold at least three public meetings per year with publicised agendas in advance.
  2. It must appoint a clerk, who serves as the council’s chief officer (Proper Officer) and is responsible for the council’s administration.

Claverdon Parish Council

Our district and county councillors, Duncan Parker and Ian Shenton, regularly attend our parish meetings to report back on developments at parish level.

​The Parish Council is charged with looking after the best interests of the whole community and is currently made up of 7 volunteer councillors and guided by our Clerk, Ken Flood. We are committed to preserving the heritage and beauty of the area that we are all privileged to live in, whilst also preparing it for the future.

Roles and Responsibilities within the Parish Council

Parish Council Chair

Parish Councillor

Parish Council Clerk

Parish Council Responsible Financial Officer

Contact Us

Claverdon Parish Clerk – Ken Flood – Email – clerk@claverdon-pc.gov.uk