Claverdon Parish Council – Frequently Asked Questions
Can I attend a parish council meeting?
Yes, all members of the public are welcome to come along and listen to proceedings.
Can I speak at a Parish Council Meeting?
Yes, there is an Public Forum section for public questions allocated in the agenda of all public meetings. You are entitled to speak for up to 3 minutes on any issue and any comments made will be considered later by the Councillors. You are not entitled to join in any debate or demand answers from any Councillors directly although the Chairman may invite discussion at the time.
Can I see the minutes?
Yes, the minutes are uploaded to the website following each meeting, and you can request your own copy of the minutes by email or on paper.
Can I raise a topic at a Parish Council Meeting?
Yes, you can come along to the meeting and discuss your topic under the Public Forum section, or if you feel it needs to be put on the agenda then you are able to contact the Chairman to discuss this prior to the meeting. Please allow sufficient time for the publication of the Agenda. You have no ‘Right’ to address the Council during discussion of the topic but may be invited to do so by the Chairman.
When and where do we meet?
Claverdon Parish Council meets every other month (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov) at Claverdon Church Centre at 7:00pm. All upcoming meeting dates will be published on the parish council website. Please note there may sometime be the need for variation on this, due to Councillor availability, so please check the website before attending to confirm the date of the next meeting.